Database Virtualization Tools

The Top Database Virtualization Solutions

Understanding Database Virtualization

Understanding the Evolving Landscape of Database Virtualization

In the rapidly advancing realm of information technology, database virtualization has emerged as a cornerstone, revolutionizing how data is managed, stored, and accessed. This transformative technology has evolved significantly, aligning seamlessly with the burgeoning trends of cloud computing, big data, and advanced data analytics. It represents a paradigm shift in data management, offering a novel approach that stands in stark contrast to traditional methods.

Central Role in Test Environment Management

At the heart of Test Environment Management (TEM), database virtualization is no longer a mere option but a necessity. TEM, a critical aspect of software development and IT operations, has been profoundly impacted by the advent of database virtualization. This technology has redefined TEM by introducing unprecedented flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in managing complex test environments. It plays an indispensable role in enabling organizations to swiftly adapt to changing requirements while ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Addressing Contemporary Data Management Challenges

The challenges of modern data management, particularly in realms like DevOps, software testing, and cloud migrations, are numerous and complex. Issues such as data duplication, escalating storage costs, and maintaining data consistency are perennial obstacles in these fields. Database virtualization steps in as a powerful solution, offering innovative ways to handle data more agilely and economically. By abstracting physical storage from the database layer, it not only simplifies data handling but also ensures enhanced performance and scalability.

Facilitating Agile Development and DevOps

In the era of agile development and DevOps, database virtualization has proven to be an invaluable ally. These methodologies emphasize rapid development, testing, and deployment, necessitating tools that can keep pace with their dynamic nature. Database virtualization, with its promise of on-demand data access and the elimination of physical data duplication, fits perfectly into this scenario. It empowers teams to operate with greater agility, thereby facilitating a more efficient and productive development process.

Leading Database Virtualization Tools

A. Accelario

Founded recently in the timeline of database virtualization tools, Accelario offers a modern solution for agile teams, providing a self-service portal for generating virtual test data environments. It simplifies complex DevOps test data management challenges and processes.

B. Actifio (Now Part of Google Cloud)

Founded in 2009, Actifio was a pioneer in the field, known for its Virtual Data Pipeline (VDP) but has since been acquired by Google. It automated self-service provisioning and refreshed enterprise workloads.

C. Delphix

Established in 2008, Delphix is one of the best-known tools due to its longevity in the market. It uses ZFS and has a more monolithic architecture, specializing in decoupling the database layer from storage and application layers, offering high-performance data access with minimal storage requirements.

D. Enov8 vME

Part of Enov8, established in 2013, vME is one of the newest entrants in the database virtualization space. It offers a holistic TDM framework with a federated architecture, using ZFS and containers. This Linux-based tool supports a broad range of databases, including popular NoSQL options, showcasing its adaptability in the virtualization space.

E. Redgate Clone

Founded in 1999, Redgate Clone quickly provisions virtualized database clones but with a smaller list of supported databases, including SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MySQL. It is known for efficient database cloning.

F. Windocks

Founded in 2014, Windocks offers writable, refreshed database clones using Windows & Hyper-V. It supports scalable database operations crucial for development, testing, and DevOps.


While Delphix has a well-established presence in the market, newer solutions like Enov8’s vME and Accelario are presenting strong, cost-effective alternatives. The evolving landscape of database virtualization (aka Data Cloning) is marked by these innovative tools, each with unique features and capabilities. Notably, the broad database support of Enov8 vME, along with its federated architecture using ZFS and containers, positions it as a versatile and inclusive solution in this competitive field.

Finding Savings in Your Lower Environments – ROI of Test Environments & Test Data


The Unseen Cost of Software Development Did you know that organizations typically spend over 50% of their IT environment budget on testing? While the spotlight often shines on development and production, lower environments—like testing and staging—are essential yet often overlooked areas for cost-saving. This article aims to shed light on two crucial aspects: Test Environment Management (TEM) and Test Data Management (TDM), which are critical for both enhancing organizational IT delivery and controlling IT costs.

Why Lower Environments Matter

The Backbone of Quality Software Lower environments are crucial for software testing, data validation, and quality assurance. However, these environments are complex to manage and can become cost centers if not handled efficiently. From hardware and software licensing to personnel and service costs, these areas offer tremendous potential for optimization.

ROI of Test Environment Management (ROI of TEM)

Unlock Savings Through Efficient Test Environments

  • Unlock Savings Through Efficient Test Environments
    • Reduction in Infrastructure Costs: TEM enables you to make better use of existing resources. Virtualization technologies let you run multiple test environments on a single server, reducing hardware costs.
    • Reduction in License Costs: By optimizing software licenses across test environments, you can cut down the number of required licenses, leading to substantial savings.
    • Reduction in Service Costs: Automated setup and configuration processes can significantly cut down on service costs related to environment management.
    • Reduction in Headcount: Automation also reduces the need for manual labor, thus allowing your employees to focus on value-added tasks and leading to staffing efficiencies.

Useful Tool: For a thorough evaluation, consider using ROI calculators like the one offered by Enov8. It can provide you with tailored insights into potential cost savings.

ROI of Test Data Management (ROI of TDM)

Optimize Your Test Data for Maximum Efficiency

  • Reduction in Infrastructure Costs: TDM allows you to minimize the need to replicate entire production environments, reducing hardware and storage costs.
  • Enhancement in Tester Productivity: Quick provisioning of accurate and compliant test data can lead to faster testing cycles.
  • Boost in Developer Productivity: With streamlined access to quality data, developers can focus on coding rather than data management, resulting in quicker development cycles.
  • Minimization of Support Costs: Better quality of test data can lead to more reliable testing outcomes, reducing the cost of post-launch support and rework.
  • Averting Data Breach Costs: By using de-identified data for testing, the risks of data breaches are minimized, thereby potentially saving significant costs related to data security incidents.

Synergies Between TEM and TDM

Better Together for Greater Savings Combining TEM and TDM offers synergistic benefits. For example, TEM’s efficient hardware utilization can be maximized when paired with TDM’s efficient data management. By synchronizing these two functions, organizations can achieve cumulative ROI that is greater than the sum of their parts.

Action Steps for Organizations

Your Roadmap to Implementation

  1. Conduct a Pilot Project: Start small to understand the benefits and challenges.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: Get buy-in from relevant departments.
  3. Choose the Right Tools: Look for platforms that align with your organization’s specific needs and risk tolerance.


By focusing on the ROI of both TEM and TDM, organizations can unlock significant savings while maintaining, or even enhancing, the quality of software delivery. In a world where every dollar counts, these lower environments offer a fertile ground for impactful cost optimization.

OKR Explained

What is an OKR?

  • OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results.

It is a popular goal-setting framework used by teams and individuals to set ambitious goals with measurable results. OKRs are typically set quarterly, but they can also be set annually or monthly.

How do OKRs work?

The first step in setting OKRs is to define your objectives. Objectives are qualitative statements that describe what you want to achieve. They should be ambitious but achievable.

Once you have defined your objectives, you need to identify the key results that will measure your progress towards your objectives. Key results are quantitative statements that track your progress towards your objectives. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Benefits of using OKRs

There are many benefits to using OKRs, including:

  • Increased focus and alignment: OKRs help teams stay focused on the most important goals. They also help to align teams around a common vision.
  • Improved transparency and accountability: OKRs are transparent and visible to everyone in the organization. This helps to improve accountability and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Greater motivation and engagement: OKRs are motivating because they are ambitious and challenging. They also help to engage employees by giving them a sense of ownership over their work.
  • Improved decision-making: OKRs provide a framework for making decisions. By understanding the organization’s goals and key results, teams can make decisions that are aligned with the organization’s priorities.

How to implement OKRs

Here are some tips for implementing OKRs:

  • Start small: Don’t try to implement OKRs across the entire organization all at once. Start with a small team or department and gradually expand the program as you gain experience.
  • Get buy-in from leadership: OKRs are more likely to be successful if they have the support of leadership. Make sure that your CEO and other senior leaders are on board with the program before you launch it.
  • Train your team: OKRs can be a complex concept, so it’s important to train your team on how to use them effectively. Provide your team with resources and training so that they understand the framework and how to set and track OKRs.
  • Be flexible: OKRs are a living document, so don’t be afraid to make changes as needed. If an objective or key result isn’t working, don’t be afraid to adjust it.

Examples of OKRs

Here are some examples of OKRs:

  • Objective: Increase website traffic by 10% in the next quarter.
  • Key Results:
    • Increase organic search traffic by 5%.
    • Increase social media traffic by 3%.
    • Increase referral traffic by 2%.
  • Objective: Launch a new product by the end of the year.
  • Key Results:
    • Complete the product design by the end of the quarter.
    • Develop the product by the end of the second quarter.
    • Test the product with users by the end of the third quarter.
    • Launch the product by the end of the year.


Here are some specific examples of how OKRs can be used to support test environment management improvements:

  • Objective: Improve the reliability of test environments.
  • Key Results
    • Reduce the number of outages in test environments by 50%.
    •  Increase the uptime of test environments to 99%.
  • Objective: Improve the efficiency of test environment provisioning.
  • Key Result
    • Reduce the time it takes to provision a new test environment by 50%.
    • Increase the number of test environments that can be provisioned simultaneously by 25%.
  • Objective: Improve the security of test environments.
  • Key Result
    • Implement security controls in all test environments.
    • Conduct security assessments of all test environments on a quarterly basis.

By using OKRs to focus on specific goals and track progress over time, teams can improve the effectiveness of their test environment management efforts


OKRs are a powerful goal-setting framework that can help teams and individuals achieve their goals. If you’re looking for a way to improve your focus, alignment, and motivation, consider implementing OKRs in your organization.